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Funny Christmas Wrapping Paper Biography
After the fun of opening the presents on Christmas Day, the clean-up ensues. This generally involves picking up the wrapping paper and throwing it in a trash can. There are other ways to reuse the paper so that it is not such a waste of money or paper.
Small scraps
In the hustle of unwrapping gifts, some of the paper can end up in small pieces. These can be reused as greeting card envelope liners. Trace the size of the flap of the envelope, from the fold up to, but not including, the gummed edge. Use this tracing to cut the wrapping paper to just the right size, then adhere it to the flap with glue. When the recipient opens this card, they will be greeted by a beautiful Christmas picture, instead of the plain, white paper.
Small pieces can also be shredded to be used in packages instead of other packing material.
Perhaps the recipient of the wrapping paper has the desire to learn the art of paper-folding known as origami. Wrapping paper is perfect for this. Take the small pieces and cut them into squares. The crafty-person is then all prepared to begin this new and rewarding hobby.
Large scraps
Large pieces of wrapping paper can help decorate shoe boxes that are needed for storage. Take the paper and wrap the exterior of the box and there is a hand decorated storage container for any multitude of items.
Books can also benefit from reusing large pieces of wrapping paper. Wrap the cover of the book with the gift wrap and it will help to keep the book from harm. The plain side can face outward or, for a conversation starter, the decorated side of the paper can take center stage and face outwards.
As the holidays wind down, the decorations need to be stored until next year. Wrapping paper can be used to protect these sensitive and fragile items until they are needed again. Instead of grabbing paper towels, newspapers or towels, use the wrapping paper that was going to be thrown away.
For those who enjoy scrap booking but do not enjoy the cost of buying all the background paper, used wrapping paper can be used for this instead. Iron the wrapping paper on a low setting on the iron and it is ready to be used, either as a whole page or just a decorated portion.
Children can entertain themselves for hours with the used wrapping paper. Iron the paper out on low and then demonstrate for the children how to cut out paper dolls. After showing them, let them go. The paper can also be used to create clothing, in the children's own designs, for these paper dolls.
Using imagination, wrapping paper can find many uses after the holidays, instead of filling garbage bags and landfills.

Funny Christmas Wrapping Paper
Funny Christmas Wrapping Paper Biography
After the fun of opening the presents on Christmas Day, the clean-up ensues. This generally involves picking up the wrapping paper and throwing it in a trash can. There are other ways to reuse the paper so that it is not such a waste of money or paper.
Small scraps
In the hustle of unwrapping gifts, some of the paper can end up in small pieces. These can be reused as greeting card envelope liners. Trace the size of the flap of the envelope, from the fold up to, but not including, the gummed edge. Use this tracing to cut the wrapping paper to just the right size, then adhere it to the flap with glue. When the recipient opens this card, they will be greeted by a beautiful Christmas picture, instead of the plain, white paper.
Small pieces can also be shredded to be used in packages instead of other packing material.
Perhaps the recipient of the wrapping paper has the desire to learn the art of paper-folding known as origami. Wrapping paper is perfect for this. Take the small pieces and cut them into squares. The crafty-person is then all prepared to begin this new and rewarding hobby.
Large scraps
Large pieces of wrapping paper can help decorate shoe boxes that are needed for storage. Take the paper and wrap the exterior of the box and there is a hand decorated storage container for any multitude of items.
Books can also benefit from reusing large pieces of wrapping paper. Wrap the cover of the book with the gift wrap and it will help to keep the book from harm. The plain side can face outward or, for a conversation starter, the decorated side of the paper can take center stage and face outwards.
As the holidays wind down, the decorations need to be stored until next year. Wrapping paper can be used to protect these sensitive and fragile items until they are needed again. Instead of grabbing paper towels, newspapers or towels, use the wrapping paper that was going to be thrown away.
For those who enjoy scrap booking but do not enjoy the cost of buying all the background paper, used wrapping paper can be used for this instead. Iron the wrapping paper on a low setting on the iron and it is ready to be used, either as a whole page or just a decorated portion.
Children can entertain themselves for hours with the used wrapping paper. Iron the paper out on low and then demonstrate for the children how to cut out paper dolls. After showing them, let them go. The paper can also be used to create clothing, in the children's own designs, for these paper dolls.
Using imagination, wrapping paper can find many uses after the holidays, instead of filling garbage bags and landfills.
Funny Christmas Wrapping Paper

Funny Christmas Wrapping Paper

Funny Christmas Wrapping Paper

Funny Christmas Wrapping Paper

Funny Christmas Wrapping Paper

Funny Christmas Wrapping Paper

Funny Christmas Wrapping Paper

Funny Christmas Wrapping Paper

Funny Christmas Wrapping Paper

Funny Christmas Wrapping Paper

Funny Christmas Wrapping Paper
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